How long will it take me ?

Title | Swim | Bike | Run |
Race description
Swim: 300m in a 25m pool
Tri-suit is a good idea, swimsuits accepted, wetsuits banned
Goggles and Swim Cap advised although not mandatory
Fins, Flippers, Pull Buoys, Arm Bands and any other swim aides are forbidden
You may not swim with your number attached
On exiting the water, you put on trainers and your bib number on your back. If you want to put socks on you can, but everyone will laugh at you…
Ride: 6.2km
On a real bike (provided) linked to a KickR home trainer, with Ipad Air2 running Kinomap Software for course control.
You will already have had a chance to set-up the bike to your height before the race
Bring a bottle of water as this will make you perspire slightly !!
The digital screen on the bike will count up to 6.2km agonisingly slowly as you pedal
Once you are done, you jump off the bike and head for the exit, you only have to remember to move your number to the front
Run: 2.5 km
The run starts with a few steps which the legs will certainly appreciate
There will be several loops so you will be able to see who is just ahead and behind you
The route will be closed to the public and clearly marked!

Sustainable Development

Expatriés Candidature for a Label “Sustainable Triathlon” 2 Stars
#1 Expatries s’engage à élaborer une charte Développement Durable dédiée à l’organisation de notre manifestation
L’élément principal de la Charte Développement Durable s’agit d’encourager les participants de l’événement Super Sprint Paris de favoriser des moyens de transports sans impact nocive sur l’environnement pour se déplacer le jour de la manifestation, par exemple en vélo, a pied ou en utilisant les transport en commun. Nous proposons de donner des informations détaillées sur la page web d’inscription concernant le Metro et les lignes de bus desservirent le lieu de manifestation.
#7 Expatriés s’engage à former, à sensibiliser les bénévoles de l’organisation à la prise en compte du Développement Durable dans mon organisation
Les bénévoles ainsi que les membres de l’organisation recevront un email les informant sur les mesures prises en faveur du développement durable. Un briefing sera également réalisé le jour de l’événement.
#8 Expatries s’engage à valoriser les bénévoles et professionnels qui apportent leur contribution à la réalisation les actions développement durable de la manifestation.
Toutes les personnes ayant contribué à la réalisation des actions seront remerciées à travers nos différents communiqués (site internet, réseaux sociaux, newsletter).
Opening time 8h30am, wave departures every 35mins
12 competitors per wave, grouped by level.
Competitors will be advised of their wave 1 week before the date of the competition.
Once published no changes will be possible.
Competitors are advised to arrive 30 minutes before their wave briefing and to be at the briefing fully ready to race.
If you have any time constraints or want to be in a particular wave (with friends for example), please let us know at
Prizes will be awarded at the end of the day for the fastest times in each category (categories based on FFTRI classifications).
Expatriés – International Triathlon Club of Paris
Registered Association part of the FFTRI Ile de France Triathlon league
Contact – Nicholas LAMB – 06 32 76 59 41
All competitors authorise the use of images of the competition in which they could appear
Competition Rules
A triathlon is a multiple-stage competition involving the completion of three continuous and sequential disciplines swimming, cycling, and running in immediate succession
All the participants in the Paris Super Sprint must conform to the rules set out by the FFTRI
To be able to claim a bib, each competitor must present either their FFTRI license or a valid ID with a copy of their signed completed medical certificate dated no more than 1 year before the event
First Aid trained staff will be present the entire day in case of emergencies, they will decide if a competitor should not compete due to medical reasons
The organisation is a registered FFTRI competition and is covered by this, all competitors are covered by their FFTRI license or Day-License for those without FFTRI licenses
The organisers decline all responsibility in case of accident, theft or loss of material
All competitors agree to these terms and conditions and accept to adhere to all elements.

Info, Rules,
Terms & Conditions