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Yann took on an obstacle course for Choisy-le-Bac Triathlon (S)


 Choisy-le-Bac Triathlon - May 11th 2019 (S)

Race Reporter: Yann Triathlon beginners have many problems to face. For my second Tri S in my life and the first of the year, there was a valuable experience including non-sportive aspects and a race before the race! Choisy-le-Bac is a little village in Picardie, 6km far from Compiègne on rivers Oise and Aisne around 100km north of Paris on the old train line to Brussels and London (45' from Gare du Nord). The Compiègne Tri club organizes it for more than 10 years and many Expats went there last year, like Wippy coming also back enjoying the event. Swimming takes place on a gravel pit lake, the water is not very dirty and does not smell. 20km in 2 rounds biking, 2/3 of it in a forest and 171m uneven altogether (last year it was another trace as a special jubilee event boucle through the Armistice place in Rethondes). Running path is debuting on bitumen longing nicely the Aisne as a little boucle (so you can face your competitors once) then after the half on rocky or sandy path around the swimming lake. The L round schemes the next Sunday are different but take place in the same lake, cross the same forest but in a larger extent of course.

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