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Nuria's first Triathlon at Versailles


Race: Versailles Triathlon Distance: Sprint

Date: May 28, 2023

My triathlon experience started in Versailles with the Triathlon de la Reine in format S - what a special spot for starting (thanks Mareike for pushing me to do it)

That day, (all of you could remember the nervous of your first triathlon so I don't have to get really into details…) I met Klaske for going together in the RER (Sunday, bank holiday nothing to say about how packed the train was and obviously we had to fit with our bikes... funny situations but we managed successfully and the most important thing, we had fun!)

When we arrived there, WoW, effectively what a location for doing the first triathlon, beautiful landscape and good organization, people were very kind and always willing to help us.

We met our colleagues who did the Triathlon du Roy in the morning (our one was at 13h30) so as we arrived in advanced, we decided to "chill" together and enjoy the nature and the views meanwhile they told us their experience, the testimony of Etienne saying: “bike route is far tougher than previous years” made me panic, (bike part is my weakness) but anyway I couldn’t do anything at that moment so I should just enjo. It was so good to be there with experienced colleagues who gave me tips, tried to make me relax and help me with all the previous steps. The moment of bringing all my belongings to the transition area arrived, and I am not going to lie, I was nervous. We put our wetsuit and went to the line for getting all the necessary information, it was fun, organisation people were encouraging us and even giving some words for all newbies, this helped to be honest.

The adventure started, and enjoyed a lot the swim, not as much the cycling (7 hills in 20 km…but well I did it) and finishing with the running, where I really felt strong and had fun (Thanks, Valentino, for making us suffer too much, Mondays & Wednesdays, it has its reward after)

In the line I met Nacho, Klaske & Wippy, they had already finished, and it was so good to share that finisher feeling with them and listen their words of “congratulations Nuria, you did your first triathlon, we are so proud of you”. Thanks guys! And also, thanks Louis Anquez, Anes & Vivian for encouraging me during the race, it is so cool to feel the cheers from colleagues.

For me triathlon means ExpaTRies. Share together, train together, suffer together and of course success together, so my first experience couldn’t be better! Looking forward to facing more challenges with them.


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