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AGM - 23 September 2015


1. Club details 2014/2015

  1. Members from 22 countries, fairly equal between males and females

  2. c50% FFTRI licence holders, not mandatory to belong to the club

  3. 63 race reports on the website puts us in top Google ranking w 34,000 site views

2. Club organization

  1. Nick has worked hard over the year to keep the team moving forward and proposes to continue to do so for the next yearVOTE: Nicholas Lamb re-elected President for the next year with no votes against and no abstentions

  2. Last year’s structure included max 6 club directors, however was not flexible enough during the year as new people joined to help

  3. To optimise team talents, and to  permit a more flexible approach to team management, the 'directors' role has been dropped

  4. New structure includes 3 management groups: "Competition and events", "Communications" and "Training" as well as professional coaches and honorary members.VOTE: The new structure was approved with no votes against and no abstentions

Group 1: Competition and Events

  1. Sean calculates/updates challenge points on a weekly basis

  2. Paul organizes participation in tri camps: Quiberon, Morzine and Les Stables

  3. Ed represents Expatries Events on Meetup, logging all major events in France throughout the year

  4. Ross, spreadsheet guru, owns the timing spreadsheet used at the Paris Super Sprints

Group 2: Communications

  1. Karen collects and publishes race reports to our blog, and creates most of the content for the weekly newsletter

  2. Sarah contributes to & edits newsletter and website content, and helps clarify key club communications

  3. Julio manages Expatries online communities such as the public Facebook page and members-only Facebook group, WhatsApp and has created an Expatries group on virtually every triathlon training site currently in existence (Garmin, Suunto, TrainingPeaks)

Group 3: Training

  1. Kathryn for Core training

  2. Cesar for Swim training

  3. Sudeep, Dani, Kathryn & Sarah for bike training (and we'll need more!)

  4. Chris and Ionut for running training

Professional Coaching will be provided for:

  1. SWIM: Vincent Pecci

  2. RUN: Thomas Imbert

  3. TRIATHLON (all 3 sports): Sylvain Dodet

Honorary members for Cycling training & support:

  1. Karsten Ruf

  2. Roger Hobby

  3. Sam Weaver (owner of Paris Bike Co, which does bike fitting & offers bike buying service, among other services)

3. Club Communications Julio presented the various forms of existing club communications

  1. Weekly Newsletter is public thus personal privacy is to be respected.

  2. Facebook public page also needs to respect person privacy.

  3. Facebook members only page is the appropriate forum for discussion topics as well as maintaining an event photo database.

  4. WhatsApp is members only for event communications. Advice is to create sub groups for smaller conversations/events and to not publish multiple photos in the thread.

  5. A team group exists on Strava.

  6. In the future more groups will be created on training websites such a Training Peaks.

4. Expatriés Challenge A lot of hard work from Sean to collect results and allocate points, al 3 challanges have been a huge success this year

  1. Super Sprint Challenge : 53 team members participated

  2. Expatries Challenge: (S, M) 70 different contenders

  3. Expatries Shield: (L, XL) 15 different contenders

5. Competition 2016 preparation

  1. The Club Competition list for 2016 is available here, broken down into 4 levels

  2. There will be 3 Tri-camp Weeks / Weekends: Quiberon, Morzine, Les Stables

  3. There will be 3 season get away events, one pre, one during and one post season

  4. It is possible to vote for preference of these events or suggest alternatives on the questionnaire

  5. Expatries Events (run by Ed) has put up all major events in France for the season on Meetup - Sign up early to be included in transport and picnic planning

6. Training is managed via Meetup. For this season we continue with the same schedule as last season, but slight better organised.

  1. Monday: Core, Track (AE)

  2. Tuesday: Swim, Cycle Longchamps

  3. Wednesday: Track (AE)

  4. Thursday: Swim (HdM)*

  5. Friday: Swim (M)*

  6. Saturday: week 1: Running technique* / week 2: Cycle technique*

  7. Sunday: Club rides* *members only

  8. A suggestion was made for using new coach Sylvain Dodet as a personal on-line coach for the sum of approx.. 50€/month per person. 21 raised hands to show interest in such a service.

7. Bike program Sarah will be organizing regular Sunday "Club" rides this fall, starting on Oct 4.

  1. They will be members-only, MIXED levels, with a focus on group riding skills & bike technique.

  2. Ride leaders will rotate each week.

  3. Oct 4 ride will be 60km, & distances will get progressively longer each week.

  4. More details here Additional bike plans currently in the works:

  5. On alternate Saturday mornings, short bike technique/brick/interval sessions at Vincennes or Longchamps cycle track.

  6. Provide tips on bike training, gear & gadets in new ‘Bike Café’ section of weekly newsletter.

  7. Workshops on maintenance, inner tube repair, gadets etc..

  8. Bike race group event for the spring, Le Provencale de Sainte Victoire in late April 2016.

  9. The timing works: after super sprints, but before the main tri season

  10. Easy access: Starts right in Aix en Provence, which is only 3 hours by TGV from Paris.

  11. Race routes challenging but doable: longer climbs than around Paris, but shorter & less steep than races in the Alps.Success depends on YOU: we don't have a bike coach, so to carry these out we will need members to take turns leading club rides, leading workshops, or just to share expertise. Let us know if you'd like to be involved.

8. Paris Super Sprint 2016 The Super Sprint competition organised by the club is an excellent event to bring everyone together, however it does involve a financial risk and is a lot of work to deliver, hence unsure if the competition should take place in 2016. VOTE: The AGM voted that the Paris Super Sprint should take place in 2016 with no votes against and no abstentions

9. Club Finances and Sponsorship Club finances were presented, 41,655€ revenues and 36,489€ costs, however important to note that the difference was made up essentially from sponsorship, so actual club balance from members was close to zero. As we are adding new sessions and a new trainer, the AGM was asked to deliver opinions on an increased membership price. After debate from the quorum, it was decided to follow the example of many other clubs, and charge a small extra fee for new members, and to increase price for exiting members by roughly the allocated cost of a 1 new professional training session per week. VOTE: New annual price for existing members will be 180€, and for new members 200€ with no votes against and no abstentions

10. Swimming Pools + Membership Cap Once again we highlight the problem with not enough reserved (private) swimming sessions, this is not for lack of trying but Mairie of Paris is very badly organised around this. All help and suggestions to try and find extra pool time is welcome, and it was agreed that this is now top priority. The issue being that there is simply not enough space on a Thursday, a suggest was to 'cap' the number of members (to reduce the pressure on thursday evenings) however this was rejected as counterproductive, however a compromise of setting a limit for new members was agreed on. VOTE: Once membership levels reach comparable numbers in 2016, new members will be restricted from joining thursday swim sessions Please see the Questionnaire HERE to complete any information you did not at the time of the meeting, or if you were not able to attend the meeting. This includes information on Awards Evening, Weekend Get Aways, Super Sprint, Club Kit, Buddy System and Communications.<:fr>At the AGM of ExpaTRIés Triathlon Club on 23 September 2015 the following topics were presented for discussion by the existing President, Nicholas Lamb :-

1. Club details 2014/2015

  1. Members from 22 countries, fairly equal between males and females

  2. c50% FFTRI licence holders, not mandatory to belong to the club

  3. 63 race reports on the website puts us in top Google ranking w 34,000 site views

2. Club organization

  1. Nick has worked hard over the year to keep the team moving forward and proposes to continue to do so for the next yearVOTE: Nicholas Lamb re-elected President for the next year with no votes against and no abstentions

  2. Last year’s structure included max 6 club directors, however was not flexible enough during the year as new people joined to help

  3. To optimise team talents, and to  permit a more flexible approach to team management, the 'directors' role has been dropped

  4. New structure includes 3 management groups: "Competition and events", "Communications" and "Training" as well as professional coaches and honorary members.VOTE: The new structure was approved with no votes against and no abstentions

Group 1: Competition and Events

  1. Sean calculates/updates challenge points on a weekly basis

  2. Paul organizes participation in tri camps: Quiberon, Morzine and Les Stables

  3. Ed represents Expatries Events on Meetup, logging all major events in France throughout the year

  4. Ross, spreadsheet guru, owns the timing spreadsheet used at the Paris Super Sprints

Group 2: Communications

  1. Karen collects and publishes race reports to our blog, and creates most of the content for the weekly newsletter

  2. Sarah contributes to & edits newsletter and website content, and helps clarify key club communications

  3. Julio manages Expatries online communities such as the public Facebook page and members-only Facebook group, WhatsApp and has created an Expatries group on virtually every triathlon training site currently in existence (Garmin, Suunto, TrainingPeaks)

Group 3: Training

  1. Kathryn for Core training

  2. Cesar for Swim training

  3. Sudeep, Dani, Kathryn & Sarah for bike training (and we'll need more!)

  4. Chris and Ionut for running training

Professional Coaching will be provided for:

  1. SWIM: Vincent Pecci

  2. RUN: Thomas Imbert

  3. TRIATHLON (all 3 sports): Sylvain Dodet

Honorary members for Cycling training & support:

  1. Karsten Ruf

  2. Roger Hobby

  3. Sam Weaver (owner of Paris Bike Co, which does bike fitting & offers bike buying service, among other services)

3. Club Communications Julio presented the various forms of existing club communications

  1. Weekly Newsletter is public thus personal privacy is to be respected.

  2. Facebook public page also needs to respect person privacy.

  3. Facebook members only page is the appropriate forum for discussion topics as well as maintaining an event photo database.

  4. WhatsApp is members only for event communications. Advice is to create sub groups for smaller conversations/events and to not publish multiple photos in the thread.

  5. A team group exists on Strava.

  6. In the future more groups will be created on training websites such a Training Peaks.

4. Expatriés Challenge A lot of hard work from Sean to collect results and allocate points, al 3 challanges have been a huge success this year

  1. Super Sprint Challenge : 53 team members participated

  2. Expatries Challenge: (S, M) 70 different contenders

  3. Expatries Shield: (L, XL) 15 different contenders

5. Competition 2016 preparation

  1. The Club Competition list for 2016 is available here, broken down into 4 levels

  2. There will be 3 Tri-camp Weeks / Weekends: Quiberon, Morzine, Les Stables

  3. There will be 3 season get away events, one pre, one during and one post season

  4. It is possible to vote for preference of these events or suggest alternatives on the questionnaire

  5. Expatries Events (run by Ed) has put up all major events in France for the season on Meetup - Sign up early to be included in transport and picnic planning

6. Training is managed via Meetup. For this season we continue with the same schedule as last season, but slight better organised.

  1. Monday: Core, Track (AE)

  2. Tuesday: Swim, Cycle Longchamps

  3. Wednesday: Track (AE)

  4. Thursday: Swim (HdM)*

  5. Friday: Swim (M)*

  6. Saturday: week 1: Running technique* / week 2: Cycle technique*

  7. Sunday: Club rides* *members only

  8. A suggestion was made for using new coach Sylvain Dodet as a personal on-line coach for the sum of approx.. 50€/month per person. 21 raised hands to show interest in such a service.

7. Bike program Sarah will be organizing regular Sunday "Club" rides this fall, starting on Oct 4.

  1. They will be members-only, MIXED levels, with a focus on group riding skills & bike technique.

  2. Ride leaders will rotate each week.

  3. Oct 4 ride will be 60km, & distances will get progressively longer each week.

  4. More details here Additional bike plans currently in the works:

  5. On alternate Saturday mornings, short bike technique/brick/interval sessions at Vincennes or Longchamps cycle track.

  6. Provide tips on bike training, gear & gadets in new ‘Bike Café’ section of weekly newsletter.

  7. Workshops on maintenance, inner tube repair, gadets etc..

  8. Bike race group event for the spring, Le Provencale de Sainte Victoire in late April 2016.

  9. The timing works: after super sprints, but before the main tri season

  10. Easy access: Starts right in Aix en Provence, which is only 3 hours by TGV from Paris.

  11. Race routes challenging but doable: longer climbs than around Paris, but shorter & less steep than races in the Alps.Success depends on YOU: we don't have a bike coach, so to carry these out we will need members to take turns leading club rides, leading workshops, or just to share expertise. Let us know if you'd like to be involved.

8. Paris Super Sprint 2016 The Super Sprint competition organised by the club is an excellent event to bring everyone together, however it does involve a financial risk and is a lot of work to deliver, hence unsure if the competition should take place in 2016. VOTE: The AGM voted that the Paris Super Sprint should take place in 2016 with no votes against and no abstentions

9. Club Finances and Sponsorship Club finances were presented, 41,655€ revenues and 36,489€ costs, however important to note that the difference was made up essentially from sponsorship, so actual club balance from members was close to zero. As we are adding new sessions and a new trainer, the AGM was asked to deliver opinions on an increased membership price. After debate from the quorum, it was decided to follow the example of many other clubs, and charge a small extra fee for new members, and to increase price for exiting members by roughly the allocated cost of a 1 new professional training session per week. VOTE: New annual price for existing members will be 180€, and for new members 200€ with no votes against and no abstentions

10. Swimming Pools + Membership Cap Once again we highlight the problem with not enough reserved (private) swimming sessions, this is not for lack of trying but Mairie of Paris is very badly organised around this. All help and suggestions to try and find extra pool time is welcome, and it was agreed that this is now top priority. The issue being that there is simply not enough space on a Thursday, a suggest was to 'cap' the number of members (to reduce the pressure on thursday evenings) however this was rejected as counterproductive, however a compromise of setting a limit for new members was agreed on. VOTE: Once membership levels reach comparable numbers in 2016, new members will be restricted from joining thursday swim sessions Please see the Questionnaire HERE to complete any information you did not at the time of the meeting, or if you were not able to attend the meeting. This includes information on Awards Evening, Weekend Get Aways, Super Sprint, Club Kit, Buddy System and Communications.<:>

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